Founding Partner

has obtained PhD in philosophy from the Sorbonne University, is Senior Lecturer in Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art at the School of Arts of the University Paris I, Pantheon-Sorbonne. She is a member of the ACTE Institute (EA 7539). Mainly influenced by pragmatism, Barbara works in the interdisciplinary field between philosophy and performance. Her research concerns the aesthetics and philosophy of the body, ordinary language, gestures and expression with a particular focus on dance, happenings, performing events and their relationship to social phenomena and everyday practices. She has been a dancer and has also worked as a dramaturge. She is the co-founder and co-director, with choreographer Melanie Perrier, of the Laboratoire du Geste (The Gesture Laboratory), a platform that promotes research, publication and experimental research in the interdisciplinary field between performance the visual arts. In 2010, she published Esthétique de la vie ordinaire, Aesthetics of Ordinary Life with Presses Universitaires de France. She has also edited two anthologies: Gestes à l’oeuvre (Gestures at Work) published by L’Incidence éditions in 2008 (republished in 2015) and Penser en Corps (Thinking through the Body) L’Harmattan, 2009. 

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